Recognizing and Celebrating Young Authors Since 2006!

The Betty Award

A writing contest for kids ages 8-12

The Betty Award has both a Spring and Fall contest.

Enter now for the Fall 2024 contest!

The deadline is October 5, 2024.

Deadline for Fall 2024 Entries

All entries must be entered by October 5, 2024. If contestants and families/adults experience issues with the online entry form, please contact us.


1st - $300 usd
2nd - $200 usd
3rd - $100 usd

The Spring 2024 Winners Are

1st Place: Amber Shi Age 9
A Picture Frame
2nd Place: Oona Greto, Age 9
3rd Place: Kester Ko, Age 11

How To Enter

To enter, simply fill out our online form.

Reading Fee

There is a $20 US reading fee per story.
We accept all major credit and debit cards. Please reach out with any questions on our contact page. The Betty Award.